The finest and most comprehensive test preparation in the world

University of Hawai´i at Manoa – William S. Richardson School of Law

Admissions Office
2515 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
Admissions Phone Number


Quick Facts

* Updated 2025

Information Provided Courtesy of TestMasters LSAT Prep

Founded by Robin Singh—the world record-holder with 12 perfect LSAT scores—TestMasters has earned a reputation as the top provider of quality LSAT preparation. For 27 years, tens of thousands of students have used the TestMasters LSAT course to earn double-digit score increases on the LSAT. TestMasters offers numerous options for students who are getting ready for the LSAT. For students who are looking for in-person instruction, we offer a 60-hour Live LSAT course. For students who are unable to attend the entire full-length prep course or who would rather map out their own study schedule for the LSAT, our online course is an excellent choice. Students who prefer individual instruction can also take advantage of our Admissions Consulting and Private Tutoring services. For additional information about TestMasters courses in your area, please click here.