LSAT Prep Options in Cortland
Live Online Course Schedules
Early Summer Course (Su)
August 6-9, 2025 LSAT
Sabrina Jacks
Early Summer Course (Th)
August 6-9, 2025 LSAT
Rachel Sheffield
Early Summer Course (M/W)
August 6-9, 2025 LSAT
Jeff Benjamin
Self-Paced Online LSAT Course
For those who prefer to study on their own, the TestMasters self-paced online LSAT course is the perfect choice! Our immersive video lessons give you the chance to learn directly from Robin Singh, the world-record holder for perfect LSAT scores. You'll also have on-demand access to all of our extensive resources—including thousands of video and written explanations, numerous drills and quizzes, and 24/7 academic support.
TestMasters LSAT Course Reviews
Jake Meiseles | Cornell | Before TestMasters 160 | After TestMasters 173 |
“The combination of an innovative methodology, an instructor who took a personal interest in each student, and lengthy homework with which to practice made TestMasters the perfect choice. TestMasters helped raise my score by 13 points and is a major reason why I am confident that I performed to the best of my abilities on the LSAT and can now attend the law school of my choice.”
Rebecca Wolozin | Cornell | Before TestMasters 157 | After TestMasters 173 |
“TestMasters is an excellent LSAT prep course. It allowed me to distill my inclinations, tendencies, and internal logic into a clear, usable strategy and fundamental understanding of the LSAT. I found that often after learning a logical reasoning strategy, I would finally understand what I had been on the verge of working out in my head! It is clear, intentional, and provides you with everything you need to succeed on the LSAT. The more time and focus you put in, the more you will get out of the class, and the more likely you are to succeed when you finally take the test. By the end of the course, I was excited to take the LSAT and use everything I had learned!”
Sarah Stoughton | SUNY Buffalo | Before TestMasters 151 | After TestMasters 162 |
“I first learned of TestMasters when my pre-law organization held an LSAT workshop through the company. I really liked the instructor and the way he taught us to approach each type of question on the exam. I decided soon after to take their course. After the first day, I knew it would help me so much. My course instructor was incredibly helpful and qualified, and there were a vast amount of resources available to me. The course design really enables students to improve their scores. I know I would not have done nearly as well on the LSAT had I not taken the TestMasters course.”
Jacob Godshall | Cornell | Before TestMasters 160 | After TestMasters 172 |
“I knew I wanted to go to law school, but I felt daunted by the idea of taking the LSAT. I decided to take TestMasters because I thought it would at least give me the motivation to do more practice problems. But I found that TestMasters was so much more than that. In class, we learned specific techniques for all of the different problem types and how to efficiently eliminate wrong answers. My instructor was so helpful and really motivated us to work hard and trust in the system by methodically approaching each question. And because we always used real LSAT questions, I felt more than prepared on test day. When I received my score, I was ecstatic to learn that I had received a 172, a 12-point increase from my first diagnostic. I am truly grateful to TestMasters, and I know I could not have done it without them.”