The finest and most comprehensive test preparation in the world

Tess Wafelbakker

Loyola Marymount University

Before TestMasters: 142

After TestMasters: 165

“My experience with TestMasters was an invaluable one and I do not believe that I could have achieved the improvement that I did with any other program. Initially, I was incredibly overwhelmed by the LSAT and discouraged by what seemed to be completely foreign concepts. But the TestMasters curriculum and strategy combined with a phenomenal instructor turned that all around. This program had a significant impact on the way I think overall and it was that fundamental shift that allowed me to approach LSAT questions more successfully. My instructor was genuinely invested in the success of his students and he went above and beyond what was required of his position. While other test preparation companies may try to teach you tricks or shortcuts, Robin Singh’s program has mastered the LSAT to the point where his students edge out their competitors based on a higher-level understanding of the test. Having access to every LSAT question in history is a powerful advantage for students and having detailed explanations for so many of them is an even greater one. The online portal and support system beyond the in-class instruction is second to none. I always felt that I had access to help and live explanations regardless of where I was physically. The progression of this course is meaningfully constructed and if you work hard, TestMasters will make sure you succeed.”