The finest and most comprehensive test preparation in the world

Shanique Adams

Northeastern University

Before TestMasters: 137

After TestMasters: 151

“There are so many good things for me to say about TestMasters. Before I began the TestMasters course, the LSAT terrified me. TestMasters showed me that it is totally possible to do well on the LSAT. It was amazing to learn strategies that work. By the end of the course the strategies had become second nature to me. It felt good to see all the question types. Seeing and learning all the different types of passages and questions along with the supplemental materials allowed me to know that there would be no surprises on test day. Taking the TestMasters course made me feel like I had an edge over people who did not. My score increased fourteen points. I don’t think I would have been able to see such a dramatic change if I studied on my own. I would recommend TestMasters to anyone considering taking the LSAT.”