Collin Dyer
Reed College
Before TestMasters: 161
After TestMasters: 172
“I feel that the TestMasters LSAT Prep Course was an excellent investment. Prior to the course I had no preparation of any kind, and scored a 161 on my first diagnostic. By the end of the course, 3 months later, I was consistently scoring around 170 on the diagnostics and scored a 172 on the actual exam. The TestMasters course materials were very clear and thorough. Additionally, our instructor was always well prepared for class and gave me excellent advice for improving my score. The only caveat I would mention is that class attendance alone is insufficient to get the full benefit of the TestMasters course. I typically spent three to six hours studying outside of class to complete all of the homework from each lesson.
Before signing up for the course, I asked a number of friends in law school whether an LSAT prep course was worth the investment (as compared to independent study), and if so which one. The friends I asked surveyed their peers and I got quite a few responses. Most of the responders suggested taking a course, and of those, the vast majority recommended TestMasters. In fact, a number of people expressed dissatisfaction with courses they had taken through other companies, but I received no such reports regarding TestMasters. I chose to take the TestMasters course rather than study independently, and I am glad that I did for a number of reasons. First, the course required that I study much more that I would have on my own; essentially it offered a sort of imposed discipline. Second there were a countless number of actual LSAT questions available through TestMasters. Third, the course materials went way beyond practice problems. I learned what types of problems I would be more or less likely to face on test day, and strategies for dealing with the different types of questions. Fourth, the diagnostic tests prepared me mentally for the actual test day—I was a nervous wreck when I took the first diagnostic, but by the end of the course, I was so familiar with the test and the test-taking environment (which TestMasters does a very effective job of simulating) that I felt calm and collected on test day. Finally, my TestMasters instructor offered several pieces of ‘last-minute’ advice to the class in the week immediately before the test that, although not intuitive, proved very effective at keeping me calm, well-rested, and confident in the days and hours leading up to the actual LSAT.
The TestMasters course prepared me not only for the LSAT, but for law school as well. I did not have much exposure to concepts such as argument structure or logical reasoning as an undergraduate science major. However, as a result of the course, I am now confident in my logical reasoning and argument deconstruction skills, which will surely serve me well in law school.”